Saturday, October 24, 2009

We've just come back from the movies (Julie&Julia) and it reminded me about my blog, which I haven't touched for such a long time. I'm still unsure how blogging works as it seems to me that no-one really knows about what I write - or could care less really. Still, I guess it is very much like a private journal that is not so private? 

Our clinic is still treating people, but not so many nowadays as I've had to get a full time job again, so it leaves little time for clinic. Still I do get to treat people from time to time and I currently have a client with CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome. 

I'm following a 6 treatment plan and so far she has had her fourth treatment and is already feeling the difference. It almost seems too easy, but it is definitely working, so who am I to argue? She is the judge on what's working and she tells me she has more energy, more strength and feeling better. All I can say is that I love treating people far more than I do writing blogs. I know how to get clients... we get referrals from other happy customers. 

How do you get people to read your blogs I ask. Who knows. Maybe one day I'll come back to the laptop and actually find that someone has posted a comment. I'll die with my leg in the air if THAT ever happens. Or, you know what? How about if someone not only comments but wants to know more. Actually thinks that it might be something that works for them, or someone they know and comments that they've tried it and it worked for them too. Now wouldn't that be amazing?.....

This was written a whole lifetime ago and looking back, it's a laugh. I've grown so much and so has our clinic. We now have SO much more to offer and would love to have the opportunity to provide our considerable skills and experience (what 13 years later?) and yes we are still going and very strongly thanks for asking.  So contact us now on Brilliant Living Solutions to see if I've still got my sense of humour as well as all our other 'brilliant' qualifications on offer.  Brilliant Living Solutions

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Remembering one of my very first 'clients' or should I say an innocent body who relied on a friend's recommendation to come and see us. He had problems with both his knees and hadn't been able to run properly for a couple of years~!!! Wow! So with fingers crossed and trying to look like I REALLY knew what I was doing (remember I was only a student), I treated him. I noted as he lay face down that he had quite marked kyphosis of the mid thoracic area (in other words a very rounded back - not good posture). 

By the time I'd finished his treatment, his back appeared flat, or if you like had the normal gentle curve you'd expect. Hmmmmm! I found that rather exciting. He did agree to come back the following week as he'd enjoyed feeling so relaxed (actually dozed off on the table). 

In fact he came back 4 times to 'help us out' but I actually think he just loved the relaxation and the snooze. We were thrilled to hear that after that first treatment, not only had he felt good and had loads of energy and that all his joints felt looser, but he had been able to run 7k on Sat and another 2k the next day with NO pain. From that point on, his knees caused him no further problems. I don't know who was more excited about the outcomes, me or him.

Come see us and get the same amazing results for YOUR body... Brilliant Living Solutions

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bowen Therapy is all natural

Right from the beginning when we were still students and not sure about what we were really doing, we had friends who volunteered their bodies for us to 'practice' on. How generous is that? I'm not sure I would have been so trusting, but they were. 

 We were continually amazed at the feedback we started getting from those early, early days. Soon word spread as they started to tell their friends and family members who had the odd ache or pain, stiffness or, even more scary at the time, an actual injury or problem. It wasn't long before we had to start seriously making appointments to cope with them all. It was fantastic! 

 Each time a new module started we felt so good about getting the previous one securely 'under out belt' as we'd practiced so much, we were absolutely ready to move on to learn more. Even back then, people started getting the most amazing results. Relief from all sorts of things, that totally blew us out of the water. It didn't take us long to come to the realization that THIS is what we really wanted to do and to do it seriously. 

 Suddenly we had a fabulous new direction in life. A purpose. Something that truly made a difference. So very rewarding. We haven't stopped since. In only two years, and working full time studying, practicing and actually building our own clinic, we achieved Diploma status, have provider numbers and have over 1000 hours of clinical practice between us.

Now it's 13 (or more?) years down the track and still getting amazing results and yes, we are continually amazed ourselves.  It never gets boring. We now have even more qualifications under our belts and SO many more success stories.  Read the other blogs (which I haven't added to for a few years now, but intend to get back in the saddle and do so.  Check out Brilliant Living Solutions for more info