Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Thinking Clearly - when you need it the most

A young woman of 15 years who had a major problem with anxiety!  She is a pianist having performed in front of audiences since a very early age.  However, she always hated performing and suffered major anxiety attacks before every single performance.

This anxiety was also a big problem for any type of ‘performance’ and was becoming a serious issue with her attending interviews while looking for work.  Her mother told me that the night before a recent interview she was in tears, was having trouble breathing properly, and was a complete mess and unable to think straight

This by the way, is a fine example of the Flight/Fight response, where under stress the brain basically shuts down three quarters of its functions (the whole of the right hemisphere and the front of the left hemisphere of the brain), in order to pump blood to the extremities in preparation for confronting/fighting or for running away.  This is a normal common stress response and in today’s society is becoming a daily occurrence so that unfortunately it then affects people’s abilities to think clearly, make decisions, and learn anything new, it affects your memory and interferes in carrying out even simple tasks.  It has become such a daily occurrence that people often no longer recognize it as an issue.

To get back to the interview, she couldn’t think straight, couldn’t answer questions properly and felt like she had failed miserably.  Two weeks later she had another interview, but between these times I treated her for anxiety / panic and she went home, expressing that the treatment seemed a bit strange, but ok.

Her mum told the story that that evening she and her other daughter went into her bedroom to offer advice and encouragement in order to help her over the tears and anxiety.  She was quite calm and told them both clearly that she didn’t need any help as she wasn’t anxious in the least – as if she didn’t know what all the fuss was about.  She performed extremely well during the interview meeting and answering all the questions with clarity and confidence.  Her mum thinks that her daughter actually didn’t realize just how different she was from one interview to the next.

The success of Neuro-Training is that the person often doesn’t realize that some behaviours ‘just change’ and the pain, anguish, negativity, lack of confidence, whatever it is, seems to just disappear. The change is easy and comfortable and IMMEDIATE, although awareness of those changes may not become apparent to the individual until after a situation has occurred that they now respond differently too; or when they are questioned; or until they think it through.  Good stuff eh?

If you’d like to make similar changes, contact us via Brilliant Living Solutions - make an appointment NOW, today while you're thinking about it... ring 8269-1624

Kinesiology with Neuro Training -  ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

Anxiety (and Phobias)?

It’s a strange word but unfortunately the symptoms are just plain unpleasant.
·      Racing heart and sometimes palpitations
·      Feeling short of breath or rapid breathing
·      Difficulty facing crowds/going out in public/or a specific phobia (fear of germs?)
·      Worrying for no particular reason
·      Difficulty falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night worrying
·      Dry mouth
·      Sharp chest pains that come and go
·      Numbness or tingling around the mouth or fingertips, etc

A client who suffered many symptoms of anxiety (some not listed here), dreaded going on any longish trip, whether it was to visit friends in another state, or a holiday.  These things are all positive and happy events... right?  They should be, but for her were saturated by anxiety and stress.

She knew that leading up to the actual trip she’d suffer anxiety and did not enjoy the actual trip either, whether it was flying, coach or train.  On arrival, she knew she’d then experience 3-4 days of stomach upsets of the worst kind that totally interfered with those days, spending much of the time in and out of toilets!!  Then she’d have to travel back and go through exactly the same symptoms again on arrival home.

Since having a session with Neuro-Training and Kinesiology (read about this on the website), she no longer suffers this at all. AT ALL! She now has her life back and can look forward to travel, visiting and holidays with total enjoyment of the whole experiences as they should be.

An added bonus is that this particular client used to suffer bad dreams several times a week and approximately monthly nightmares for as long as she can remember (since a very young child).  These have also disappeared and from what she explained about these, they were particularly nasty and unbelievably frightening.

You no longer have to suffer from this debilitating situation or condition – you certainly can avoid the use of drugs to manage it!  You get your life back (how many times have clients said just that)!

Contact us at Brilliant Living Solutions – make an appointment NOW