I’ve had a 59 year old client recently, who has a number
of chronic health conditions that she’s had for years. She has tried many different modalities and
some have given her a modicum of relief, others no relief at all. One of her main issues is muscle weakness and
pain. Her muscles are so weak that she
finds if she ‘forces’ herself to lift a full glass of water, later her whole
arm can experience muscle pain.
Consequently, she tells me that at times she can’t even open the fridge
As usual, at the next session, I asked if she had noticed
any changes or not. Her response was “very good for two weeks. I improved
fantastically, I was really happy, positive and walking around more than usual”
- she was excited to experience these things.
There was a large ‘but’ looming and she said “then everything went bad
after that”. When questioned what might have happened at that time, she told me
she had had another, different type of treatment (involving some form of
electrical energy that goes through the body).
According to her it reversed all the good progress and she was left with excruciating burning pain in her left hand
that kept her awake at nights.
Neuro-Training involves many modalities depending on the
client’s requirements at the time, one of which can be working with meridians (energy). One particular process during her session,
required to improve the flow of energy between two meridians (one location in
the hand and the other on the foot) on both sides of the body. This was only a small part of the whole
treatment. She told me afterwards that
immediately following the meridian work, the burning pain in her left hand
disappeared. She had noticed it go, but
didn’t say anything at the time in case it ‘didn’t last’ or was just her
imagination. It did last and has not
come back again since. We were both so
pleased at this complete eradication of her pain.
She has since decided that she will not be going back to
that particular type of treatment again as she is now getting more progress
with NTK than she has with any other type of treatment so far. She still has a way to go, but with NTK you can
find that a particular session will make a sudden and positive change that has
a domino effect on many other worrying symptoms that (over time), just disappear. (For
instance, defusing anxiety and the client finds a sudden increase in energy - more
on that in another blog!) So I
believe she will be turning a corner soon and will be on the up-slope to better
health, strength and energy.
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