Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Remembering one of my very first 'clients' or should I say an innocent body who relied on a friend's recommendation to come and see us. He had problems with both his knees and hadn't been able to run properly for a couple of years~!!! Wow! So with fingers crossed and trying to look like I REALLY knew what I was doing (remember I was only a student), I treated him. I noted as he lay face down that he had quite marked kyphosis of the mid thoracic area (in other words a very rounded back - not good posture). 

By the time I'd finished his treatment, his back appeared flat, or if you like had the normal gentle curve you'd expect. Hmmmmm! I found that rather exciting. He did agree to come back the following week as he'd enjoyed feeling so relaxed (actually dozed off on the table). 

In fact he came back 4 times to 'help us out' but I actually think he just loved the relaxation and the snooze. We were thrilled to hear that after that first treatment, not only had he felt good and had loads of energy and that all his joints felt looser, but he had been able to run 7k on Sat and another 2k the next day with NO pain. From that point on, his knees caused him no further problems. I don't know who was more excited about the outcomes, me or him.

Come see us and get the same amazing results for YOUR body... Brilliant Living Solutions

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