Thursday, November 10, 2016

Energy and Vitality

A woman, aged 46, married with one child came to me initially with general anxiety, realizing that she worried about all sorts of things and mentioned she had suffered a lot of sadness around a specific event as a child (note that she did not need to explain what this event actually was – in other words, she did NOT need to revisit this in order to achieve changes).

Previously she had also experienced CFS due to adrenal fatigue, plus she had suffered several miscarriages.  It was during her first session for defusing her anxiety, that she mentioned her fear of flying and lack of energy. 

As her demanding job required her to fly regularly to various states and sometimes overseas, she realized that she expended an enormous amount of energy on (as she put it) “her irrational fears”.  She was greatly concerned with issues about her preparedness, her organisation skills and almost a panic about her ability to do the job required of her. This in turn affected her sleep and prior to a flight suffered often with insomnia, or if she did sleep it was not deep and refreshing as it should be. So arriving tired to the bone and knowing she still needed to work effectively in front of her audience.

After only one session, where it was her fear of flying that checked out to become a priority - which is established by the use of Kinesiology (muscle testing for monitoring the subconscious neurological responses of the body).  This then, became the focus of the session!

She was required to fly within a couple of days of this session and has since flown many more times – each time she has found she no longer experiences the anxiety or fear around flying, so it was a permanent change for her and still proves to be so.  In addition she discovered much to her amazement that she suddenly had an abundance of energy and started not only sleeping really well, but performing at her work so much better than she could have imagined prior to her session.

I have seen similar results with quite a few clients now who had either a fear of flying OR anxiety.  What makes perfect sense to me, is their recovery of unbelievable energy that they previously didn’t realize they were lacking, being used to living without.  Easily explained - an individual who suffers with anxiety or inexplicable fears, are so busy SUPPRESSING those anxieties and fears just to get by, they use up enormous amounts of energy in the process. Finding and diffusing the root of those fears, releases energy that the body and mind can now use more appropriately in support of life and living.

Indeed, her words to me when she came back to see me a few weeks later = “Wow, Wow and Wow!  I can’t believe how amazing this has been.  I have no anxiety and SO much energy it’s unbelievable!  I have my life back – it’s amazing, it truly is”.  She had a lot more to say, as you can imagine, as she found all her great organisation skills and therefore her preparedness were able to come to the fore again, not to mention no more lack of sleep.

So if you suffer from low energy or low vitality the cause can be found using Kinesiology.  It doesn’t have to be a fear of flying OR any form of anxiety, it may be that some other part of your metabolism is not functioning as it should.  Kinesiology with Neuro-Training will seek and find the CAUSE behind this and make the changes needed. You DO NOT have to put up with this, or use drugs to cope with it anymore.  You can change this and sometimes with only a few sessions – a simple method, painless and often permanent.  You have nothing to lose and a whole LIFE to gain!

It's easy, comfortable and only an hour or two of your time to gain unimaginable results.  You simply won't believe how effective it is. Contact us without delay at Brilliant Living Solutions to change your life around.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Grief and Loss

A woman in her late 20s had originally come to me as she had an acute fear of flying and had experienced severe bad dreams and nightmares for as long as she could remember (since a small child).  It is worth mentioning that after one treatment for her fear of flying, not only could she now travel without fear or anxiety, but unexpectedly her nightly dreams also disappeared.

Many months later though, her partner of 9 years who suffered severe depression and anxiety took his own life before she had been able to convince him to seek help.  She had spent those 9 years being supportive, understanding and compassionate, so it came as an awful shock.  She started to experience a sense of guilt (could she have done more, or been at home that evening), and an enormous amount of ‘what if’ scenarios kept presenting themselves to her. Depression (his) is a terrible mental illness and suicide can sometimes be a culmination of that illness.  A lot of us have been close to that edge, or dealt with family members in a crisis, and some have lost friends and loved ones. We all need to look out for each other and certainly not to turn away from mental illness.  We all need support and recognition – just to know that someone cares can be enough.

Unfortunately, this really swept this lovely young woman, who was finally starting to experience life more fully (without her anxiety, panic attacks and bad dreams), into a spin.  Several months following the suicide, she felt she was ready to start the healing process to enable her to move on.  She will always remember him, as they had had many happy times together and she had lots of lovely memories. She will never lose this, but what she really needed now was to move past the pain and overwhelming grief and to think about her life and start to embrace a future.

A week after treatment she messaged me to tell me the following: “Again I’ve been a different person since seeing you, everything’s clear again... I actually feel like a human not a broken zombie! I (am able to) accepted it for what it is... and (now) I need to move forwards!”

She keeps in touch and is now seeing and doing things with people she cares about, realizing that she has been stuck at home for too long, she is cherishing every moment.  This is a wonderful outcome for someone who was so completely shattered.

So Grief and Loss do not have to eat you up from the inside and there is no shame or guilt in getting your life back on track.  You will always remember the one you have lost, but the GOOD things about them and the experiences you’ve had with them, the diamond days will always remain!

So if you have lost a loved one and would like to move past the difficult emotions that are creating devastation or chaos in your life and holding you back from living, contact us at Brilliant Living Solutions.  Remember you will NOT lose those precious memories and feelings, you hold them close in your heart and they will always remain!

Family Relationships

A woman in her late 50s mentioned she was dreading the upcoming Father’s day family occasion and when curiosity led me to question why, this was her response:

She has always had difficulty with her family as being the only girl (two brothers); her siblings viewed her as the favourite and seem to resent her, with the younger one apparently complaining to his partners who consequently have always been unpleasant towards her.  However, her mother is the one who makes her feel ‘never good enough’, makes nasty comments and compares herself to her all the time in a very negative way.  Her father is cold and has never shown love or empathy.

She viewed her family as dysfunctional, fake and plain hard work!  After any family get together she would agonize over everything that was said; not said; implied or inferred.  So much so, that the night after the family get together, she wouldn’t be able to sleep and would continue to worry and then go over and over analyzing things for up to three or four days afterwards.  This led to anxiety with other social functions in general for her. It drove her husband crazy.  He tried very hard to be supportive, but really found it difficult to fully understand the situation and what she needed from him. 

She desperately wanted to “cut off from the things her mother said to her”; to have more confidence in herself in social situations; and basically was worried she would end up like her mum as her grandmother was the same (as her mum).

I was confident that a Neuro-Training Kinesiology session would be helpful to her and suggested that we do this before Father’s Day if possible.  This way she could experience the results and she would have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain – her sanity for one thing J

So I treated her on the Saturday morning prior to Father’s Day and then didn’t see her for several weeks afterwards.  When she came back to our clinic I asked her how Father’s Day went.  She was completely enthused.  She actually enjoyed herself and did not spend the night awake and agonizing over every detail and also didn’t feel a need to analyse all the relationship issues between the siblings and her, or her parents and her, etc.  She was absolutely thrilled and furthermore told me that she had since voluntarily phoned her mum for a catch up phone call, without procrastinating over doing that as she had done in the past – this too she surprisingly found she enjoyed.  I highlighted that her parents and her siblings have not changed!  What has changed is her perception of what is occurring and her ability to deal with everything far more effectively, without the stress previously experienced.

Her husband is more than thrilled as she no longer worries about every little detail after an event and is impressed that they are no longer causing her stress.

I’ve since questioned her if this response is still ‘holding’ as this initial session was back in September 2015 and... yes it is!  She is still thrilled that she manages family gatherings so well and continues to phone her mum in between, without any procrastination or undue concern in doing so.

If YOU have family issues that are proving difficult to deal with – well NTK won’t change your family, but diffusing the mental/emotional issues CAN help you deal with things far more effectively and you can enjoy your family again, ESPECIALLY if you are in a situation where you have to work alongside a parent or sibling that is proving difficult.  
Ring us to book an appointment on Brilliant Living Solutions

Dealing with Demands

A lady in her late 50s was suffering with stress and the pressures of work that turned out to be largely self-imposed.  She works in the child care industry and was responsible for managing just under 30 child care workers and other centres and their managers as well.

Her focus was to be on her stress, but during the treatment where sometimes as the Neuro-Trainer I need to find a particular emotion that is the CAUSE of the stress, I was surprised to discover that the emotion was ‘enthusiasm’.  I would have thought that this particular emotion was a positive emotion, not negative or stressful at all.  But as with all Neuro-Training sessions, it is not up to the facilitator to make judgement on what they believe is the issue; the client ALWAYS determines it themselves.  That is how the kinesiology side works so well as a tool to discover the body’s response to stress and what is really driving the issue.

When queried about the emotion ‘enthusiasm’ she was clear that she fully understood why this would have shown as a stress for her.  Each morning on walking in the door, she believed she had to show enthusiasm in order to motivate all her staff towards a good days work with the children.  This had become such a chore for her that it was causing her stress, but she could see no way out of this behaviour.  She was stuck.

Following a balance (with this as the focus), she reported back to me a few weeks later how free she felt as she no longer felt it necessary to put on the forced enthusiasm.  She also noted how very calm she felt, how she now ALSO didn’t feel a need to check on her staff all the time and could work out her priorities for her work so much better.  She mentioned several times, just how calm she now felt throughout the day and how much smoother things seemed to be working.  This demonstrates how sometimes we have done something that may have been a helpful thing in the beginning, and as a consequence developed into a habit that is now causing you stress and may not even be necessary at all anymore.

If you believe you are no longer dealing well with the demands placed on you contact us at Brilliant Living Solutions and resolve this quickly and easily

Clumsiness and Confusion

It is NOT what you think!!  

People often go through life annoyed by their clumsiness and thinking “it’s just the way I’ve always been”.  They’ve been told as children perhaps that they are ‘always so clumsy’ or that they are always getting hurt, ‘because they are so clumsy’. Funny word actually, the more you look at the spelling – kind of cute, but even the spelling is awkward.

Along with being awkward there is also a certain amount of confusion.  People who live with this, often feel confused as they don’t understand why they are the way they are and why most people are simply NOT that way.  It can be upsetting and can create other feelings; of unworthiness and inadequacy – simply because they muck things up, bump into things, spill things, or knock things over.  It has a lot to do with spatial awareness granted, but it just MIGHT be something else entirely.

Let me go back to the beginning - stay with me here!  When the sperm fertilizes the egg and the egg starts its division process, at a certain point early in the piece (a matter of days actually), this division creates a kind of tube with an opening at the top and one at the bottom, it then continues the more detailed creation that becomes the fetus/baby.  Guess what those openings at the top and the bottom become?  Well the word ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ gives you a clue and yes they do become the beginning and end of the ‘poop shoot’ (being polite here).  The proper term is the Cloaca's and is really a ‘transportation system’ involving and affecting  the meridian system (energy) as well as the processing of our nutrients (food/drink).  It is a  centering system and if it is out of balance, it can and does affect our gait (walking) and our sense of balance.  It is also a reference point for the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which stabilizes our body.

Enough about the background! If these are out of balance, then it will greatly affect your sense of ‘place’ in the world.  You won’t necessarily be aware that you are out of balance just that you are ‘clumsy’ – there’s that beaut word again.

It will also affect your energy levels, definitely your bladder and bowels, and in fact much of your organs in your pelvic region and in fact much of how your body is operating... or not operating as the case may be. 

How is this put back into balance?  Quite easily actually!  During every session of Neuro-Training with Kinesiology, this is one of the things we test first and then correct (painlessly I might add, it’s surprisingly easy to do).  After all, if your Cloaca's are out of balance and it’s affecting your ANS, then all manner of things will also be out of wack! So we balance this first and everything, but EVERYTHING gets the benefit and the session is SO much more profound and beneficial.

If, by the way, you feel slightly worse for a few days after this has been done – this is GREAT, as your body now is using the extra available energy to heal some major problems, which until then the body has not been able to do.  All that energy has been expended on trying to keep you going, never mind trying to avoid walking into furniture.

If this has a ring of familiarity to it for you, contact us at Brilliant living Solutions ... for YOUR solution!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Low Energy and Fatigue

A 46 year old woman, married with one child came to me initially with general anxiety. She realised she worried about all sorts of things and mentioned she had suffered a lot of sadness around a specific event as a child (note that she did not need to explain what this event actually was – in other words, she did NOT need to revisit this in order to achieve changes).

Previously she had also experienced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome due to adrenal fatigue and was still experiencing low energy and fatigue.  Plus she had suffered several miscarriages, leaving her with only one very precious child to her marriage.  It was during her first session aimed at defusing her anxiety, that she mentioned her fear of flying – this fear she attributed to a fear of dying on a flight and not having control over this – which was a real fear for her.  This had been heightened since having her son, as she needed to ‘stay alive’ for his well being. This fear of flying proved itself to be the real reason behind much of her anxiety – at least during her session. 

To explain, a client might be fed up with having to deal with (say) stomach issues they face constantly.  So they think their focus should be on digestion!  However, your subconscious really knows why and what is going on and it may be that a level of anxiety is the CAUSE behind your stomach troubles and that ANXIETY is the priority to work on and change, which then has a flow on effect to improving digestion and other stomach issues. This is confirmed by the use of Kinesiology (muscle testing for monitoring the subconscious neurological responses of the body).  This then, became the focus of the session!

While this client had a real fear of flying, which was no longer an issues, but she discovered much to her amazement afterwards, she suddenly had an abundance of energy and started not only sleeping really well (instead of disturbed sleep due to worrying about everything), but performing at her work so much better than she could have imagined prior to her session.

Not everyone gets the immediate results after only one session, but I have seen similar results with quite a few clients now who had either a fear of flying OR anxiety.  What makes perfect sense, is their recovery of unbelievable reserves of energy that they previously didn’t realise they were lacking, (being used to managing without).  Anyone who suffers with anxiety or inexplicable fears, are so busy SUPPRESSING those anxieties and fears just to get by, they use up enormous amounts of energy in the process.  Finding and diffusing the root of those fears, releases energy that the body and brain power can now use more appropriately in support of life and living.

Indeed, her words to me when she came back to see me a few weeks later = “Wow, Wow and Wow!  I can’t believe how amazing this has been.  I have no anxiety and SO much energy it’s unbelievable!  I have my life back – it’s amazing, it truly is”.  She had a lot more to say, as you can imagine, as she found all her great organisation skills and therefore her preparedness were able to come to the fore again, not to mention no more lack of sleep.

So if you suffer from low energy or fatigue, you DO NOT have to put up with this, or use drugs to cope with it anymore.  You can change this and sometimes with only a few sessions – a simple method, painless and often permanent.  You have nothing to lose and a whole LIFE to gain!

So contact us via Brilliant Living Solutions to make an appointment, we'll make sure we see you quickly

Fear of Flying

A woman, aged 46, married with one child came to me initially with general anxiety, realising that she worried about all sorts of things and mentioned she had suffered a lot of sadness around a specific event as a child (note that she did not need to explain what this event actually was – in other words, she did NOT need to revisit this in order to achieve changes).

Previously she had also experienced CFS due to adrenal fatigue, plus she had suffered several miscarriages, leaving her with only one very precious child to her marriage.  It was during her first session for defusing her anxiety, that she mentioned her fear of flying – this fear she attributed to a fear of dying on a flight and not having control over this.  This had been heightened since having her son as she needed to ‘stay alive’ for his wellbeing.

As her demanding job required her to fly regularly to various states and sometimes overseas, she realised that she expended an enormous amount of energy on (as she put it) “her irrational fears”.  She was greatly concerned with issues about her preparedness, her organisation skills and almost a panic about her ability to do the job required of her. This in turn affected her sleep and prior to a flight suffered often with insomnia, or if she did sleep it was not deep and refreshing as it should be. So arriving tired to the bone and knowing she still needed to work effectively in front of her audience.

After only one session, where it was her fear of flying that checked out to become a priority - this is confirmed by the use of Kinesiology (muscle testing for monitoring the subconscious neurological responses of the body).  This then, became the focus of the session!

She was required to fly within a couple of days of this session and has since flown many more times – each time she has found she no longer experiences the anxiety or fear around flying, so it was a permanent change for her and still proves to be so.  In addition she discovered much to her amazement that she suddenly had an abundance of energy and started not only sleeping really well, but performing at her work so much better than she could have imagined prior to her session.

Not everyone gets the immediate results after only one session, but I have seen similar immediate results with quite a few clients now, who had either a fear of flying OR anxiety.  What makes perfect sense to me, is their recovery of unbelievable energy that they previously didn’t realise they were lacking, being used to living without.  Easily explained - an individual who suffers with anxiety or inexplicable fears, are so busy SUPPRESSING those anxieties and fears just to get by, they use up enormous amounts of energy in the process.  Finding and diffusing the root of those fears, releases energy that the body and mind can now use more appropriately in support of life and living.

Indeed, her words to me when she came back to see me a few weeks later = “Wow, Wow and Wow!  I can’t believe how amazing this has been.  I have no anxiety and SO much energy it’s unbelievable!  I have my life back – it’s amazing, it truly is”.  She had a lot more to say, as you can imagine, as she found all her great organisation skills and therefore her preparedness were able to come to the fore again, not to mention no more lack of sleep.

So if you suffer from a fear of flying OR any form of anxiety, you DO NOT have to put up with this, or use drugs to cope with it anymore.  You can change this and sometimes with only a few sessions – a simple method, painless and often permanent.  You have nothing to lose and a whole LIFE to gain!

So contact us at Brilliant Living Solutions we will be pleased to offer you a session quickly

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Anxiety - Why suffer?


It’s a strange word but unfortunately the symptoms are just plain unpleasant.
·      Racing heart and sometimes palpitations
·      Feeling short of breath or rapid breathing
·      Difficulty facing crowds/going out in public/or a specific phobia (fear of germs?)
·      Worrying for no particular reason
·      Difficulty falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night worrying
·      Dry mouth
·      Sharp chest pains that come and go
·      Numbness or tingling around the mouth or fingertips, etc

A client who suffered many symptoms of anxiety (some not listed here), dreaded going on any longish trip, whether it was to visit friends in another state, or a holiday.  These things are all positive and happy events... right?  They should be, but for her were saturated by anxiety and stress.

She knew that leading up to the actual trip she’d suffer anxiety and did not enjoy the actual trip either, whether it was flying, coach or train.  On arrival, she knew she’d then experience 3-4 days of stomach upsets of the worst kind that totally interfered with those days, spending much of the time in and out of toilets!!  Then she’d have to travel back and go through exactly the same symptoms again on arrival home.
Since having a session with Neuro-Training and Kinesiology (read about this on the website), she no longer suffers this at all. AT ALL! She now has her life back and can look forward to travel, visiting and holidays with total enjoyment of the whole experiences as they should be.

An added bonus is that this particular client used to suffer bad dreams several times a week and approximately monthly nightmares for as long as she can remember (since a very young child).  These have also disappeared and from what she explained about these, they were particularly nasty and unbelievably frightening.

You no longer have to suffer from this debilitating situation or condition – you certainly can avoid the use of drugs to manage it!  Contact us at Brilliant Living Solutions – make an appointment NOW