It is NOT what you think!!
People often go through life annoyed by their clumsiness and
thinking “it’s just the way I’ve always been”.
They’ve been told as children perhaps that they are ‘always so clumsy’
or that they are always getting hurt, ‘because they are so clumsy’. Funny word
actually, the more you look at the spelling – kind of cute, but even the
spelling is awkward.
Along with being awkward there is also a certain amount of confusion.
People who live with this, often feel confused
as they don’t understand why they are the way they are and why most people are
simply NOT that way. It can be upsetting
and can create other feelings; of unworthiness and inadequacy – simply because
they muck things up, bump into things, spill things, or knock things over. It has a lot to do with spatial awareness
granted, but it just MIGHT be something else entirely.
Let me
go back to the beginning - stay with me here! When the sperm
fertilizes the egg and the egg starts its division process, at a certain point
early in the piece (a matter of days actually), this division creates a kind of
tube with an opening at the top and one at the bottom, it then continues the more detailed creation that becomes the fetus/baby. Guess what those openings at the top and the bottom become? Well the word ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ gives you a clue and yes they do become the beginning and end of the ‘poop shoot’ (being polite here). The proper term is the Cloaca's and is really a ‘transportation system’ involving and affecting the meridian system (energy) as well as the processing of our nutrients (food/drink). It is a centering system and
if it is out of balance, it can and does affect our gait (walking) and our
sense of balance. It is also a reference
point for the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which stabilizes our body.
Enough about the background! If these are out of balance,
then it will greatly affect your sense of ‘place’ in the world. You won’t necessarily be aware that you are
out of balance just that you are ‘clumsy’ – there’s that beaut word again.
It will also affect your energy levels, definitely your
bladder and bowels, and in fact much of your organs in your pelvic region and
in fact much of how your body is operating... or not operating as the case may
How is this put back into balance? Quite easily actually! During every session of Neuro-Training
with Kinesiology, this is one of the things we test first and then correct
(painlessly I might add, it’s surprisingly easy to do). After all, if your Cloaca's are out of
balance and it’s affecting your ANS, then all manner of things will also be out
of wack! So we balance this first and everything, but EVERYTHING gets the
benefit and the session is SO much more profound and beneficial.
If, by the way, you feel slightly worse for a few days after
this has been done – this is GREAT, as your body now is using the extra
available energy to heal some major problems, which until then the body has not
been able to do. All that energy has
been expended on trying to keep you going, never mind trying to avoid walking
into furniture.
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