A woman in her late 50s mentioned she was dreading the
upcoming Father’s day family occasion and when curiosity led me to question why,
this was her response:
She has always had difficulty with her family as being the only
girl (two brothers); her siblings viewed her as the favourite and seem to
resent her, with the younger one apparently complaining to his partners who
consequently have always been unpleasant towards her. However, her mother is the one who makes her
feel ‘never good enough’, makes nasty comments and compares herself to her all
the time in a very negative way. Her
father is cold and has never shown love or empathy.
She viewed her family as dysfunctional, fake and plain hard
work! After any family get together she
would agonize over everything that was said; not said; implied or
inferred. So much so, that the night
after the family get together, she wouldn’t be able to sleep and would continue
to worry and then go over and over analyzing things for up to three or four
days afterwards. This led to anxiety
with other social functions in general for her. It drove her husband
crazy. He tried very hard to be
supportive, but really found it difficult to fully understand the situation and
what she needed from him.

I was confident that a Neuro-Training Kinesiology session
would be helpful to her and suggested that we do this before Father’s Day if
possible. This way she could experience
the results and she would have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain –
her sanity for one thing J
So I treated her on the Saturday morning prior to Father’s
Day and then didn’t see her for several weeks afterwards. When she came back to our clinic I asked her
how Father’s Day went. She was
completely enthused. She actually
enjoyed herself and did not spend the night awake and agonizing over every
detail and also didn’t feel a need to analyse all the relationship issues
between the siblings and her, or her parents and her, etc. She was absolutely thrilled and furthermore
told me that she had since voluntarily phoned her mum for a catch up phone
call, without procrastinating over doing that as she had done in the past –
this too she surprisingly found she enjoyed.
I highlighted that her parents and her siblings have not changed! What has changed is her perception of what is occurring and her ability to deal with
everything far more effectively, without
the stress previously experienced.
Her husband is more than thrilled as she no longer worries
about every little detail after an event and is impressed that they are no
longer causing her stress.
I’ve since questioned her if this response is still ‘holding’
as this initial session was back in September 2015 and... yes it is! She is still thrilled that she manages family
gatherings so well and continues to phone her mum in between, without any
procrastination or undue concern in doing so.
If YOU have family issues that are proving difficult to deal
with – well NTK won’t change your family, but diffusing the mental/emotional
issues CAN help you deal with things far more effectively and you can enjoy
your family again, ESPECIALLY if you are in a situation where you have to work
alongside a parent or sibling that is proving difficult.
Ring us to book an appointment on Brilliant Living Solutions
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